Monster Media 1994 #2
Monster Media No. 2 (Monster Media)(1994).ISO
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********** PRESS F1 FOR HELP - PRESS F2 TO PRINT **********
Main System Documentation
"Professional PASS Support Software"
Developed by
Tom H. Emmons Jr.
DisAbility Works, Inc.
(303) 985-3376 V/TDD
(303) 989-6156 BBS
Copyright (c) DisAbility Works, Inc. 1993,1994
I. INTRODUCTION - The Common System Elements
DisAbility Works software has been developed specifically to aide the
development and monitoring of Social Security Work Incentives. This portion
of the documentation describes many of the elements and functions that
provide a common user interface to all of our software.
II. INSTALLATION - How To Get the System Up and Running!
The installation routine will create a directory on your C: Drive and place
the program files in it. The directory's name will depend on the particular
program you are installing.
After getting the system up and running, the first thing you should do with
any of our software programs is to enter information in the Customer or
SSI Information section. This provides information to the other program
Like many other disciplines, working with a database requires an understanding
of a few concepts and terms, to help us all communicate in the same language.
A database is itself a logical collection of information--as in a collection
of recipes, a phone book, or an inventory of merchandise, or, as in PASSLog,
a collection of customer service information. Computerized databases allow
this information to be stored in a specific manner allowing very rapid
manipulation of the information contained within. It allows, among many other
powerful features, instant access to any information contained within.
Another important and powerful feature of a database is its ability to sort
the data and generate reports based on that sorted information. For example,
if you needed to know how many clients you had in a certain ZIP Code, the
database would be able to generate this report for you. To provide the
flexibility to generate these reports, the database stores information into
logical groupings. The following terms describe these groupings:
FILE - A collection of all of the information (or records) contained within
one database. As in the Customer Information records. In DWTRACK, the
Customer and PASS Tracking data are contained within separate database files.
RECORD - A database record is a complete, logical grouping of data (or fields)
needed to collate all data for one entity; as in all of the fields of data for
one Customer Information record--one customer's data.
FIELD - Each separate entry within a database record. The more distinct each
field is, the more flexible the database will be during report sorting and
generation. You use the TAB Key, or the Up or Down Arrow keys, or the (Enter
key, to jump from field to field on the screen.
IV. CUSTOMER INFORMATION WINDOW - Your database interface!
Let's start with the Customer database. You must always start by entering the
basic data on new customers before tracking their services. Look at your
"Customer Information" BROWSE window in the middle of the screen. Along the
side are several control menus that allow access to all of the various
commands, or features, of the software. As you navigate through the various
options available within the control menus (using the arrow keys) a help line
at the bottom of the screen provides a small reminder about the function of
the currently highlighted item.
The most prominent item on the initial Customer screen is the Customer
Browse window. This window is your primary interface, or view-port, into
your collection of customer data. It is your tool for inserting, editing, and
displaying the customer data within the database. Press ADD Information
to see the window logically divided into several "fields" of information.
1st Contact - Edit/View the date of first contact for this customer.
ID # - Edit/View the ID # for this customer.
First - Edit/View the customer's first name.
Last - Edit/View the customer's last name.
SSN - Edit/View the customer's Social Security Number.
Phone - Edit/View the customer's phone number.
Address - Edit/View the customer's address.
City/S/Zip - Edit/View the customer's City, State and/or Zip Code.
Status - Edit/View the customer's PASS status. Pressing F2 provides a
selection window to chose from various status options.
Notes - Edit/View any notes maintained for this customer. The notepad may
be accessed by pressing the spacebar while in the Customer Information window,
or by selecting NOTES from the File Operations menu.
Since the operation of the Customer Information window is controlled through
the use of the File Operations menu, we will proceed to that section to cover
the details.
V. FILE OPERATIONS - Creating & Viewing Your Information Database!
As obvious as the Customer Information window, the File Operations menu is
readily poised for action upon program startup as the logical first step in
the any of the database systems. The commands available in the File
Operations menu operate as follows:
ADD - Selecting this command places you directly into a blank Information
window to add a new record to the database.
EDIT - This command places the cursor in the Information window allowing you
to edit (change) information in an existing record.
NEXT - This command will page to the next record in the database.
PREVIOUS - This command will page to the previous record in the database.
FIRST - Selecting this command jumps you to the first record in the database.
LAST - Selecting this command jumps you to the last record in the database.
DEL - This command will flag the current record for deletion. To actually
remove the record from the database file, you must go into the Utility Menu
and select Pack - Re-index to either pack or re-index the database. Any
records flagged for deletion will be deleted at that time.
NOTES - This command opens a Note/Memo Pad window on the screen allowing you
to maintain notes pertaining to the selected database record.
ORDER - This command displays a Set Index window allowing you to select the
BROWSE and/or SEEK orders.
SEEK - This command seeks for the database record based on the previously
designated ORDER command.
FILTER - This command allows the designation of a filter, or parameters, for
the display of specific records. You set the Filter, such as State=CO, to
have the database show only customers' records that fit the condition.
EXIT - This command displays an exit window allowing you to exit the program,
or, resume database operations.
VI. Utilities Menu!
Selecting this choice displays the Utility menu allowing you to use one of
the following powerful utilities:
1. Backup
The backup option allows you to backup the files of your choice to the
destination of your choice. It also allows you to retrieve that data when
necessary. When this option is selected the screen is replaced with the
Backup/Restore Utility screen containing several prompts and commands. Near
the top of the screen are the following three prompts:
Source Path. . . \:DW\ (for example)
Source File. . . *.DB?
Target Drive . . . A
The Source Path allows you to specify the subdirectory in which the backup
files will be copied from.
The Source File prompt allows you to specify which files are to be copied
(or backed up), the default is *.DB?, meaning all files having an extension
starting with the letters "DB."
The final prompt allows you to specify the "Target Drive," or, the drive name
which the backup files will be copied to. Preferably to a floppy disk to
protect your data in the event of hard drive failure. To modify these prompts,
select the Edit command at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: If you are unfamiliar with DOS global parameters and/or subdirectories,
please refer to the appropriate sections of your DOS manual.
Along the bottom of the screen is a menu containing the following commands:
Edit - This command allows you to modify the prompts defined above.
Backup - This command initiates the backup copying procedure after the correct
entries are specified as described above. Ensure that your backup floppy disk
is located in the specified drive prior to initiating this command.
Restore - This command will restore previously saved files (the specified
backup files) from the specified floppy drive to the specified subdirectory.
Ensure that your backup floppy disk is located in the specified drive prior
to initiating this command.
QUIT - This command will exit the BACKUP/RESTORE UTILITY to the main menu
2. Pack - Re-index
This utility is used to reorganize your database files after a record has been
flagged for deletion or when a different index is specified. Since database
files are strictly formatted, these procedures are contained within separate
utilities in an attempt to make the data files less cumbersome and time
consuming during normal operations. The result is a speedier and more
efficient database program.
When this utility is selected, the File Utility screen is displayed. This
screen displays the available database files, each having an associated file
number and file description. A menu bar containing the following commands is
displayed along the bottom of the screen:
All-Select - This command will select all of the listed files for packing or
Select-unselect - This command replaces the menu bar with a prompt allowing
the selection or, alternately, unselection of any of the numbered database
PACK - This command executes the Pack procedure on the selected database
RE-INDEX - This command executes the Re-index procedure on the selected
database files.
EXIT - This command Exits the File Utility and returns to the main PASSLog
3. Database Utilities (DBU)
This utility is very powerful and contains many features for the configuration
of your database files and is intended for technical support use only.
All main data areas of the different programs follow the same guidelines as
described in the customer database section. Refer to the individual program
guide for more information.